I have decided to change things up a bit... I know it's been a while since my last post. It's a new year so that means new stories!
For today's post these are funny quotes that I have heard at work. Most of them are so random they will make you laugh and others will make you shake your head that yes, people can be that dumb.
"That place is ghetto, in less that 1 day a baby fell out of a window, I got bit by a dog and I just stepped on a baby"
“I was calling to see what your square footages were"
“My cousin wants a 1x1 but she wants a first floor and wanted me to tell you she is un poquito heavy"
“I will give you the benefactor of the doubt"
“I miss the days where you could just slap people"
“I didn't get evicted they just didn't want me there"
“Now I have to wash my dishes in the microwave because my sink is clogged"
“I have good credit..Sprint just approved me for a cell phone"