Thursday, March 27, 2014

It must be nice to get flowers you don't want..

Coming from an asthma kid that is allergic to almost every flower, grass, weed, dust, and animal on earth I happen to like roses. "Paint the roses red" But feel sad when I receive them because I know they will die. Seems like such a waste to cut them out, and give them to someone. Anyhoo on to my story. 

One of my tenants walks into my office. All of my tenants have character names so let's call her Teddy. A little background here. Normally when she stops by it's a disaster story of something that happened to her that has nothing to do with her apartment. 

There was the time she was sent home from work because she wasn't wearing a bra (gasp the outrage) she cried for about 10 minutes in my office because it wasn't fair! "They said it was casual Friday!". 

Or the time a secret admirer was leaving teddy Bears in front of her door for weeks, and she hates stuffed animals. (Yes I know something is wrong with her) 

Or the time her, and her friend tried to evade police while drinking. They scaled a fence which caused her to (naturally) fall and break her arm then go to jail.  

I could go on, and on with her stories.. Maybe I will give her a chapter in my book all to herself?

Ok now to the good part! she walked into my office and gave me these wicked pretty flowers!


She said her boyfriend gave them to her but they are going out of town, on some exotic vacation (of course) wanted someone to enjoy them, and thought of me. 

Really? That's actually nice. (popping a Claritin now)