Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bollywood..and free starburst..

True Story! It's always sounds like a made up story when someone says that doesn't it?

This however is a "true story"..

A couple came in the other day to look at an apartment. They "seemed" totally normal until we looked at the unit..

The boyfriend started humming a little bit which should have tipped me off (who really hums anymore?). But I thought nothing of it, and proceeded to show them the unit. When we enter the kitchen he breaks off into this "Bollywood song", and started waving his hands a little bit. I smile but inside i'm literally dying from laughter! I'm not sure weather to clap or laugh or just walk away. So I just stand there..

He continues to sing as he walks through the rest of the unit, and when he's done his girlfriend smiles at me, and offers me a yellow Starburst.

I swear this was the song..


Update: They came back in the next day, and he began humming again. This time.. I clapped, and then asked him when he wanted to move-in.

1 comment:

  1. True! sadly there wasn't much dancing.. but there is always tomorrow!:)
