Monday, August 15, 2011


This one is going to make me rich one day.. I have a resident that I believe is part fish or at least has gills.. I have come to the conclusion that he is a "Merman" okay let me back up..

Exhibit A) For starters every time he comes into my office his hands, and feet and shirt are literally dripping wet.He will only run in for a second while holding a plastic red cup full of "water", and a paper towel. It's almost as if he can't be dry.

Exhibit B) I once saw him walk up to his car (he had no clue I was watching him), and pour a cup of water onto his dashboard, and then ..drive away?!

Exhibit C) Recently the neighbor below had a leak, and I had to enter merman's unit. When I walked in the unit everything was wet and there was a path made out of towels. He claims he spilled water when he was cleaning. When I looked around I realized he had nothing No bed.. no couch.. no tv..

The following have been his reasons over the years for not having things:

"I just donated all of my stuff"
"My dad moved into a condo and needed it"
"I just bought all new stuff it's coming today"

Anyway I walk into the bathroom to find that the toilet seat was missing again he claims that he never had one (we have replaced it about 3x)

Closing Argument) The bath tub was sparkling, and had a pillow in it..

The signs are all there.He obviously is part fish, and has possible OCD issues.

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