Tuesday, June 29, 2010

X Marks the spot!

For those of you wondering what this is I will explain however it’s pretty obvious. A nut job drew me a sketch of her neighborhood (on my business cards!) She wanted to be sure I understood where she lives and why she is moving out.

“You see the sticks on the left are electric poles the scratchy lines are trash, cinder blocks, glass and sometimes people (the thin lines are people) and the squares are the dumpsters that get lit on fire every weekend”.

The X is where she lives now. Yes I do see two X’s… she had no explanation for that.


Ok, so maybe this is not quite Narnia.. but here is a little window into my world. This is the closet I hid in today.. It has all the essentials "Evian" facial spray, band-aids, water, and meds.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Booga Booga

I had a lady come by to see an apartment let's call her Ganky. Anyway she has called me about 20 times in the last two days and each time I have given her the same information as before. Today she decided to grace me with her presence and come in. I think I have been doing this for probably too long and can instantly tell when someone is going to be crazy and waste my time. I was right on the money; she looks at the apartment and begins with

"Oh my god! This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! It's just so nice!" and I'm like really? thanks...

(This is where it get's good) she then asks me if I have an upstairs apartment because her husband often goes out at night with his "lady friends" note: she is okay with this... and would be scared if a "booga booga" came in through her window.. I instantly laugh and as I look at her I see that she is stone cold serious and I regretfully ask what a "booga booga" is... she proceeds to act out on the floor and probably through the window if I would have opened it how they would come in. "They" being a robber/bad guy.

She then opens up her wallet and shows me that she has “good credit”. She shows me like 80 credit cards... and says that she is most excited about her Capital One card she just got and then proceeds to once again "act out" the Vikings from the commercial she does their voices and flails her arms around and grunts. .. At this point I begin to look around like I normally do to see if I am being Punked or am on a reality show. Sadly no she was really just an entertaining lady. I do really wish that Bravo would call me back...

My one regret of the day is not opening the window, and asking her to show me how a "booga booga" would come in.