Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Spanish guy, and an Asian woman.. Part One

I know what your thinking.. The only part I'm missing is that they "walk into a bar".

In this case a Spanish guy, and an Asian woman walk into an apartment. They first enter my office, and I'm instantly hungry because they just got off their shift at a local restaurant, and smell like food..

They both barely speak any English but yet the Spanish guy seems to be a translator of sorts for the Asian lady acting things out, and correcting me when I confirm what she says. All seems normal right? and your probably wondering where this is going..

Well we enter the unit, and within minutes she asks me "Go can I change bathroom I enter?" (Ok I know that totally sounded like Yoda so I've heard.. I personally don't actually know..) but I swear that's what she said.. as she's changing I am in the living room, and the Spanish guy smiles, and starts playing the "Twilight movie soundtrack" on his phone. (pretty loud) I'm like what the what?!

Not just any Twilight soundtrack.. the one for the first movie not even the most current soundtrack (don't ask me how I know that) smh

No idea where she got the clothes to change with she didn't even have a bag. She is supposed to return tomorrow, I am guessing there will be a part two..

Shoot I'm a jinx she's calling me now..

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday... filled with crazies, crazies, crazies

Ah Rebecca Black, I'm sure there is a place for you here.

It’s only 1pm. I have already heard, and seen... and heard the weirdest things. Here’s a few:

Resident with Rent Due: “I will be there for sure, with my rent. Ooh you're on the way to the ABC Liquor store. Rock on!”

My Thoughts: How fantastic

One of my favorite residents - I will call “Little Britain” - walks in listening to a Walkman. I first think, "Um is it really 1984 and I’m the one who is out of touch?" Then I wonder, "How is it actually still working? Is it an original? Where did she buy it?" I am going to have to ask her next time she comes in. However, I think in our next encounter, she will have gone totally 80’s, and may have a perm, Ocean Pacific clothes, jelly shoes, and a swatch watch. (I can’t wait)

Resident with TMI: “I need an apartment with a big window. It must have sunshine all the time. My bird likes to look outside. BUT, at the same time I want it to be in a private location. People might see me walking around in my underwear, as I don’t like to wear clothes.”

My Thoughts:

#1) - I can’t guarantee sunshine all the time

#2) - eww I could have gone without the visual.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


These are things that maybe you should leave out when looking for an apartment. (Particularly from me) I had a young guy that came in today that believe it or not provided all of the material for this blog. I wish I would have recorded it... wait! I did... but no audio.

(I can do even better.. see picture I'm pretty sure this was him)

It starts off innocent..."I'm looking for an apartment for my dad and me" (My thoughts: Ok, seems normal)

"I was in the military, and am a good guy" (My thoughts: That’s fantastic)

“Would having a felony D.U.I Manslaughter charge prevent someone from getting an apartment?" (My thoughts: what?!)

"What if someone had an imprisonment/battery charge?" "It sounds bad but I can explain... my girlfriend and I got into a fight, and she threw her phone at me, and somehow it ended up in my apartment, and I got charged because she was not able to use her phone to call police" (My thoughts: I need an ibuprofen & where are the hidden camera's)

"I have probably said too much"

"Pretend I didn't say any of those things, and help me"

And finally my favorite...

Ending with "You’re very beautiful by the way" will earn you no points, creep me out, and will just make me laugh.

Monday, August 15, 2011


This one is going to make me rich one day.. I have a resident that I believe is part fish or at least has gills.. I have come to the conclusion that he is a "Merman" okay let me back up..

Exhibit A) For starters every time he comes into my office his hands, and feet and shirt are literally dripping wet.He will only run in for a second while holding a plastic red cup full of "water", and a paper towel. It's almost as if he can't be dry.

Exhibit B) I once saw him walk up to his car (he had no clue I was watching him), and pour a cup of water onto his dashboard, and then ..drive away?!

Exhibit C) Recently the neighbor below had a leak, and I had to enter merman's unit. When I walked in the unit everything was wet and there was a path made out of towels. He claims he spilled water when he was cleaning. When I looked around I realized he had nothing No bed.. no couch.. no tv..

The following have been his reasons over the years for not having things:

"I just donated all of my stuff"
"My dad moved into a condo and needed it"
"I just bought all new stuff it's coming today"

Anyway I walk into the bathroom to find that the toilet seat was missing again he claims that he never had one (we have replaced it about 3x)

Closing Argument) The bath tub was sparkling, and had a pillow in it..

The signs are all there.He obviously is part fish, and has possible OCD issues.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bollywood..and free starburst..

True Story! It's always sounds like a made up story when someone says that doesn't it?

This however is a "true story"..

A couple came in the other day to look at an apartment. They "seemed" totally normal until we looked at the unit..

The boyfriend started humming a little bit which should have tipped me off (who really hums anymore?). But I thought nothing of it, and proceeded to show them the unit. When we enter the kitchen he breaks off into this "Bollywood song", and started waving his hands a little bit. I smile but inside i'm literally dying from laughter! I'm not sure weather to clap or laugh or just walk away. So I just stand there..

He continues to sing as he walks through the rest of the unit, and when he's done his girlfriend smiles at me, and offers me a yellow Starburst.

I swear this was the song..


Update: They came back in the next day, and he began humming again. This time.. I clapped, and then asked him when he wanted to move-in.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Broken feet & cheese..

Just a couple things that have made me giggle lately! (I couldn’t make this up if I tried...) Ok, maybe I could but with so much material I will never have to.

“My credit is bad because I’m a dancer, and broke both of my feet”

“Quick settle our debate! Was Dukakis Greek?” My question of the week during the meeting of the minds with 80 year olds in the pool area. (They think I’m a genius, and I answer all of their questions.)

“I don’t like cold cheese in my mouth” totally random we were talking about the size of the unit.

“Of course I remember you how can I forget being locked out of a unit, and having to scale the fence” It’s true I met with a banner designer, and was showing him where I wanted a banner... trick was we had to go out the window 1st floor to see it (long story) and then the window slammed shut.. (With our cell phone’s inside of course) nothing in front of us but the concrete wall, and a fence... that we had to scale to get out. I guess it would be hard to forget me for that.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Thursday Nonsense

Just ridiculousness..

1) "Has anyone found my assport?" "I can't find it anywhere" (He meant passport...)

2) I had a guy call, and say "Hi I'm looking for a friend"
He literally was.. I learned this the hard way 20 minutes later after thinking that he was looking for an apartment for his friend, (silly me) and couldn't get off the phone..

3)"I'm not worried I used to be a hit-man apprentice" (I've got nothing here..)

4) Fantastic that I actually have to post notices like this..

"There have been a pile of dirty clothes sitting on the counter top for over a week. Note: the clothes have been bagged up, and will be disposed of by 5/13/11 if unclaimed.Please contact the office if they belong to you."

The urgency in my tone is because they smell.. (YAK!)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Just Awesome

Awesome things that I have done, or have been said to me.

1) "Wow you look great. You are back to the size from when you were 19" My first thought was wait.. you didn't know me and I didn't work here when I was 19, then I remembered crap yes you did.. I'm getting old..

2) I had this girl inquire about an apartment online named Nasaline I realized after the fact that I responded to her like this. "Hi Nasonex thank you, for your interest" oops..

3) This guy applied for an apartment, and was told he needed to pay a bigger deposit to move-in. We kept going round and round, and he keeps trying to bargain, and work a deal which I reply to with sorry no deal. He sends me an e-mail at the end of the day with a "new suggestion" I forward it to my boss saying "OMG!! This guy won't take no for an answer" Guess what.. I did not hit forward.. I hit reply by mistake.. (doh)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"The King and I" (I mean eyebrow)

I have this resident that looks the king from "The King and I" bald head, black eyeliner you get the idea. Anyway he walked into my office with his black painted on eyebrows and begins to complain about how hot it is, and begins to wipe his face.. (you know what's coming)

As he wipes his face, I step back a little shocked because he has just wiped one of his eyebrows off. As he continues to talk he continues to wipe his face and then WIPE! there goes the other eyebrow. At this point I'm trying not to giggle and listen. He gets up and goes to leave

Again I say nothing.. then my boss walks in jumps back and says "WOW" and just stares at him. The guy looks at my boss funny then turns, and leaves.

So.. am I wrong? How do you tell someone "oh wait you got something there..?"

Monday, April 11, 2011

Lucy Jingles is now "Mr Jingles"

Update to last weeks blog.. (I know you have been on the edge of your seats waiting for this!!) I finally met her I mean him (The dwarf hamster). Read the previous blog if you have no clue who i'm talking about.

Ok moving along apparently she is really a he so that's why there is a change of names. Mr Jingles is a supposedly a rat or something from the movie "The Green Mile"? (no clue I have never seen it) anyway I promised a pic and here it is!

I also took a video of him. After some training he spun around on his wheel like a hamster.. I think I may have trained him with my mind, because the resident said he had never done that before. (muaa haa haa) I love how's she yells at him to "get back on!"

The next visit I am told is to show me the outfits (my resident) is making for him.

Can't wait.. (seriously)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mouse Trap On My Desk..

So I have a Mouse trap I like to put out on my desk every now and then...

I put it out a couple days ago and forgot about it. Both yesterday and today I have had people say:

"Do you have mice in your apartments?"

and every time I respond

"uh no... Why do you ask?"

then they remind me of the trap I have on my desk.

I then ask them to stop, actually read it, and push the button.

(Side note: I was messing with it, and was hoping I could get it to actually work, but I have been told I am missing a piece... HA)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Lucy Jingles

I know it's been awhile but I promise to update more often. For today I have decided to post a funny conversation.

Resident: "Hey I got a new pet and wanted to tell you about it"

Me: "Ok, what type of pet is it?"

Resident: "Oh she's a hamster, she just glorious!"

Me: " I see.. what's her name?"

Resident: "Lucy Jingles, I'm going to bring her to meet you tomorrow, I really want her to make friends"

Me: "Great.."

So now I have something to look forward to tomorrow, socializing with a little hamster. (Hopefully it is little, and doesn't smell) *I will post a photo after our play date.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Here comes the funny!

I have decided to change things up a bit... I know it's been a while since my last post. It's a new year so that means new stories!

For today's post these are funny quotes that I have heard at work. Most of them are so random they will make you laugh and others will make you shake your head that yes, people can be that dumb.

"That place is ghetto, in less that 1 day a baby fell out of a window, I got bit by a dog and I just stepped on a baby"

“I was calling to see what your square footages were"

“My cousin wants a 1x1 but she wants a first floor and wanted me to tell you she is un poquito heavy"

“I will give you the benefactor of the doubt"

“I miss the days where you could just slap people"

“I didn't get evicted they just didn't want me there"

“Now I have to wash my dishes in the microwave because my sink is clogged"

“I have good credit..Sprint just approved me for a cell phone"